Please note that the following punishments are just indicative, depending on the case we can choose to apply different punishments.
Racking up 60 offences within 90 days will get you banned.
Cheating, hacking, modding
The use of hacked clients, disallowed mods or cheats of any kind that give you unfair advantages over other players are strictly forbidden.
Please remember that all use of modifications, including the ones listed here, is done at your own risk. If you're caught using/having a prohibited mod, you will get banned, even if you didn't know if it was prohibited or not..
Here's the list of mods that are not allowed:
- LabyMod (only versions lower than 2.6, if you are on 2.6 or higher you're good to go)
- Free-Cam (or any mod that lets you explore the world in a spectator-like mode)
- Macros
- X-Ray
- Pie-Ray
- Spawner tracers that highlight spawners
- WorldDownloader
- Tracers
- SkinFlicker/Blinking Skin
- Anti-AFK
- Autoclickers
- Hardware modifications (special mouses, multiple mouses, mouses along side trackpads, etc)
- Mods that show invisible players or their location
- Packet manipulation (knockback edits, reach edits, etc)
- Printer/Autobuilding mods (mods that place blocks automatically for you)
- Mods with 1.7 animations server side
- Inventory Tweaks
- MiniMaps (minimaps that show caves/spawners)
- BatMod
- Pojav Launcher
List of some of the allowed mods and clients:
- Optifine (allows Minecraft to run faster and look better with full support for HD textures)
- Armor Status, Directional Huds, and Status Effect (5-Zig, bspkrs, ...), but only if they show your own status
- Damage Indicators, indicators that show the health of other players (BetterPVP, ...)
- Chat Mods (TabbyChat, Chat Companion, ...)
- Minimaps (Only "Fair Play" versions are allowed, that do not show caves)
- Shaders
- Forge and LiteLoader (as long as all mods are allowed)
- Schematica (only buildings visualization/preview)
- Perspective Mod
- Shulker Box Preview
- Badlion Client
- Lunar Client
- Feather Client
- Salwyrr Client
- Blazing Client
- Technix Client
- Hyperium
- PvP Lounge
Please note there might be mods that are not included here but that we still wouldn't allow.
Ask staff if in doubt.
Admitting to be using disallowed hacks/mods (as joke or not) might be considered enough to punish at discretion of the staff.
For minor disallowed mods such as Macros, WorldDownloader:
- 1st offense - tempban 1-2 weeks
- 2nd offense - permanent ban
For major disallowed mods:
- 1st offense - permanent ban
Chat Behaviors
Having a nice and clean chat is one of our main goals, we'd like to provide a friendly and safe environment for all the players of all the ages for a more enjoyable communication.
If you are willing to see and say swear words we added the command /tcf that will turn off the filter.
Please note that while swearing is allowed evading the censor is NOT.
The list of chat behaviors that will be punished includes, but is not limited to:
- Acting uncivilized
- Spamming
- Flooding (or causing flood/spam)
- Flooding is sending a high amount of messages (even different) in a really short amount of time.
- Using caps
- Accusing of using hacks
- This is referring to accusing others of hacking in public chat or in their private messages
- Being racist, sexist, etc.
- Command trolling
- For example tricking someone into issuing commands such as "/ci", "/lo", etc
- Name calling
- Swearing evading the censor (and/or swearing in other languages)
- Pretending to be a staff member
- Spamming asking for rankups
- Hashtag abuse
- Disrespecting
- Begging
- Inciting to suicide or to any other kind of harmful behavior
- Indecency
- Sexual harassment
- Any kind of behavior that might ruin the game experience of others or that will be considered as inappropriate
- 1st offense - warning
- 2nd offense - mute 1h
- 3rd offense - mute 6h
- 4th offense - mute 12h
- 5th offense - mute 1d
- 6th offense - mute 3d
- 7th offense - mute 7d
Note: evading the censor will lead directly to a mute
Offensive Behaviors
There are several other behaviors not related to the chat that we do not allow.
Disallowing these actions is what is needed to prevent players from ruining the game experience of others.
The list of offensive behaviours that will be punished includes, but is not limited to:
- Griefing (damaging, stealing, etc)
- Griefing means intentionally damaging the property or buildings of others
- Scamming
- Claim trolling
- Claim trolling is the act of claiming around/next the claim of someone else with the only intent of annoying/trolling them
- Creating inappropriate content (sexist, racist, adult-related, offensive, etc) in any form like buildings, books, signs, weapons or anything that could contain text or custom content
- Creating lag machines/farms
- Lag machines are, usually redstone, machines with the only purpose of causing server lag
- Warp-Killing
- Warp killing is the act of killing (manually or automatically) players as soon as they teleport to your warp
- Portal Trapping
- Portal trapping is the act of trapping players inside portals
- Stealing EVENT keys, VoteParty rewards or crate items (filling inventories, etc)
- Glitching through blocks/access areas you're not supposed to access
- Faking help requests with the purpose of trolling or tp-killing a staff member
- Pushing/hitting from the edge in PvP arenas
Notes:- The punishment for griefing and glitching may vary depending on the severity of the damages, note also that you may get an unofficial warn if you're using inappropriate items/weapons.
- You must report someone for disclosing info within 3 days from the disclosure. Reporting later simply will be considered as not an issue.
- Having any sort of unauthorized modification during the screenshare will get you banned even if not used in the current session.
- We do not protect you if your scam involves real money without the involvement of our buycraft store (such as trading items for money on PayPal)
- For scams we might apply economy changes (balance reset, etc) and we might take back eventual items scammed.
- We might not handle scams that can easily be avoided with /trade
- We will not deal with Auction House scams that blatantly have different names and or lore associated with that item
- 1st offense - jail 6h
- 2nd offense - jail 1d
- 3rd offense - tempban 1d
- 4th offense - tempban 7d
- 5th offense - ban
A main focus is to keep the chat kid-friendly and spam-free and nobody likes to see advertisers or inappropriate content all over the place
The following is not allowed:
- Advertising other servers/services
- Sharing links or names of inappropriate websites
- Advertising YouTube channels/Streams/etc
- 1st offense - tempban 7d
- 2nd offense - tempban 14d
- 3rd offense - tempban 30d
- 4th offense - permanent ban
For Inappropriate websites it is
- 1st offense - tempban 14d
- 2nd offense - tempban 30d
- 3rd offense - ban
Abusive Behaviors
Nobody likes abusers and we don't either.
We shall not tolerate any kind of abusive action that may ruin the game experience of others, the staff or that might harm the server itself.
The list of chat behaviors that will be punished includes, but is not limited to:
- Abusing /afk to avoid combat
- Abusing pets
- For example to glitch or in combat
- Abusing /top, /jump, /fix, /heal (or any other command) while in combat
- Command spam/abuse in general,
- /helpop abuse
- 1st offense - warning
- 2nd offense - jail 1h
- 3rd offense - jail 12h
- 4th offense - jail 1d
- 5th offense - jail 1w
- 6th offense - tempban 1w
Multiple Accounts
Owning multiple accounts is strictly forbidden on our network for several reasons.
Allowing multiple accounts per player would lead to a number of issues that would be unfair for normal players or that would simply lead to abuse and exploitation.
Here's a list of potential issues we're not willing to come across:
- Ban evasion
- Punishment evasion
- Doubling the amount of rewards (i.e. vote keys, drops from parties, etc)
- Exploitation of game mechanics
- Bypass of limitations (usually unlockable through ranks)
- Tracking issues
- Staff would have trouble knowing who did what and when
- Better chances of scamming
- Easier to break other rules
- 1st offense - tempban 1d
- 2nd offense - tempban 1w
- 3rd offense - tempban 2w
- 4th offense - ban
Mechanics Exploitation
Exploiting game mechanics is another kind of behavior we will not tolerate.
Exploiting game mechanics is the act of gaining unfair advantages through the abuse of commands or anything in a way that is not the one intended (i.e. resetting skyblock islands to get nether spawners etc)
Some additional punishments such as balance reductions may be applied!
- 1st offense - tempban 2w and score reset
- 2nd offense - tempban 4w and score reset
- 3rd offense - ban and score reset
Economy Offensive Behaviors
This section is related to a series of behaviors generally related to player exploitation for a personal gain in terms of balance or items.
The list of behaviors that will be punished includes, but is not limited to:
- Scamming users promising ranks/perks for in-game money/items/valuables (store scams)
- AFK mining/fishing
- Macros (not keybinds)
- Weights on keyboard/mouse
- Anything that makes you mine or do anything automatically (including issuing commands)
- 1st offense - tempban 2w and -50% eco
- 2nd offense - ban and eco reset
Generic Behaviors
In this section we try to cover all those behaviors and actions that don't really belong to any particular category.
- Ban evading
- Helping ban evaders
- Keeping the secret when someone confesses to you they're breaking rules
- Forging/providing false evidence
- Framing
- Sharing the account with banned players
- Directly or through screenshares. Sharing it with players that are not banned is fine if it's for the following tasks: getting kits, getting keys, issuing invite commands for islands/claims/plots
- Trying to get someone in trouble with the only intent of harming them
- Account stealing
- Doxxing (disclosing private info about someone)
- Store Scamming
- Stealing information (i.e. IPs through IP grabber links)
- Selling accounts
- Threats
- Buying coordinates/illegitimate items
- Not reporting and knowingly buying or getting illegitimate items which harm the server in anyway
The punishment can range from a jail to a permanent ban, depending on the case.
Towny Rules
Factions is a competitive server very different than other gamemodes and as such it deserves its own set of rules.
The rules stated here have been created with a reason, looking for loopholes will not be tolerated, and punishments will be enforced if necessary.
The following is a list of disallowed behaviors with a punishment that ranges between 6h to 7d tempban and eventually perma ban, on occurrence claims shall be unclaimed.
Claims and claiming:
- Claiming land with the sole purpose of disrupting another faction currently setting up their base or cannon box is not allowed.
- Factions are only allowed to keep/use one corner, upon having more they will be unclaimed.
- Chunk Buffer Limit: factions are allowed a maximum of 20 chunks buffering on each side their base, the buffer starts where the main box ends. (Regens within the box are not allowed)
- 45 wall protection is not allowed. Upon being made, the walls will be removed and the chunks unclaimed.
- Base merging: there should be at least 10 chunks of wilderness between the chunks from both factions.
- Building unraidable walls in any way is not allowed (i.e. cactus/chest/glass etc).
- Making Cobblemonsters with the sole purpose of griefing a base or protecting one is not allowed.
- When raiding, Factions can be raided or counter-raided with only one cannon at the same time, per raid.
- Minimum cannon speed is 3 seconds (per button press).
- Disallowed cannons: worms.
- Max cannon claims: 10x10 (including buffer).
- No raiding with counter cannons.
- No wilderness patching allowed, including randoms claims to prevent factions from raiding/countering.
- Camping near bases (Cannon boxes NOT included) to prevent players from flying, building, or mining is not allowed.
- Griefing wilderness with huge oceans or pillars (gens) etc. is not allowed.
Screensharing Rules
This section covers screensharing and potential offences that can occur before or during screenshares.
By joining the server, you automatically consent to undergoing screenshares.
Here is a list of things which you are not allowed to do during and before a screenshare:
- Deleting/Clearing files or recycle bin
- Removing or editing mods
- Unplugging USB before screenshare
- Restarting System time/explorer
- Having forbidden mods/clients
- Having AntiSS tools
- Scripts
- Python scripts such as autoclickers
- Disconnecting before the screenshare
- Pretending to go AFK during the screenshare
There are only two exceptions out of this list
- Admitting before the screenshare
- You MUST provide proof to what you admit to with a screenshot
- Unable to screenshare
Apart from the exceptions, they will always be a permanent ban
For admitting before screenshare it will be as follows:
- 1st offense - tempban 14d
- 2nd offense - tempban 30d
- 3rd offense - ban
For unable to screenshare it is as follows
- 1st offense - tempban 30d
- 2nd offense - ban